Gandhi Old Age Home under the Gandhi Education Society is an Registered Voluntary organization Established in the year 2001-2002 By Founder secretary Ugraiah.C, Registered with Physically Handicapped & Senior Citizens Welfare Department Govt, of Karnataka.
At Present there are 100 inmates at the Home. Some are Bed Ridden, Physically, Visually, Mentally Handicapped, Deaf & Dumb, 90+ Aged. Free Food, Shelter, Medicines, and Clothing Have Been Provided to them.The indisposed inmates are treated at Hospital, RVM Hospital, Help Age India, Elders Helpline, Nightingales Medical Trust & one Doctor. Home has its own Balagopala Ganapathi—Sanjeevanjaneya Temple.
The homes activities with Finance Shared by Donors, Sponsors & Philanthropists. There is No State /Central Govt. Assistance from the Past 18 years.
Your Love, Affection, Recognition, Moral & Financial Support will Enable our Inmates to Pass their Evenings of Life with Dignity, Peace and Tranquility. We Receive Donation in Kind/Cash/Cheque & DD in Favour of “Gandhi Old Age Home.” Donations are Excempted U/S 80G-50% of the I.T. ACT 1961. And ISO certificate is their. We Request You to Mention your Willingness.